Our Service
  •  Visual - Search
  •  Detail - Search
  •  How to search
Select a region from the list or click on the hot spots on the map.
The program will search for open Heurige in the selected region.
  • Using the map?
    Click on the „Visual – Search" button and select one of the regions on the map. The program will then search for "Heurige" open today in this region.
  • Using the form?
    If you want to know which "Heuriger" is opened on a certain day, you can use the form. Just select the date and also the locality or postcode of your choice.
  • Why is a Heuriger listed not as open, although it is open?
    Please note that the search-routine uses logical AND. Therefore if you entered a village and the wrong postcode, this would lead to no result. Just use either the name of the village or the postcode. Searching for the name of a "Heuriger" you don't need to fill in the complete name - the program will also list results when the entered name is only part of the database field. Naturally there will only be listings of pubs which have registered.